At the heart of the case is farmer Wilbur Tennant's claim that his cows have turned psychotic and his land turned toxic, all caused, he claims by the nearby big corporation. The problem is that the particular corporation in question is DuPont who's latest product is Teflon is used in everything from clothing to non-stick saucepans. At various stages throughout the narrative the viewer witnesses Billet at odds with various colleagues and struggles to convince even his boss, (played by Tim Robbins). Meanwhile, Tennant, ably and memorably played by Bill Camp, is getting sicker and Billet's involvement in the case is putting a strain on his family life. At one stage we witness Billet surrounded by an Everest sized mountain of paperwork sent from DuPon't legal team, perhaps to deliberately try and deter Billet from his mission.
Dark Waters are Lurking, to inevitability
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